Reading Images

For this exercise we looked into reading images. In our chosen groups we had 15 images to look into. The images linked to the key words we all was given in a previous module, Photographic Practice A, my current word was 'Window.' The images consisted of different types of doors, keyholes, locks, openings, walls, lights, signs, walkways, seats and tables. As a group we then had to look into the image and pick out narratives for each image. As a group we answered questions to each image...
  • where? 
  • why ? 
  • when? 
  • what? 
  • how? 

This task was helpful in many ways, such as not looking just on the surface of the image, but looking more into the meaning. The images can show a lot more than you may imagine, and a narrative can be found in anything with some imagination. This could expand our ideas and may allow the artists to link images together to create a larger piece of work.