Different Types of Presentations:
- Lectures
- Work Pitches
- Group
- Individual
- Proffesional
- Informal
Style of Presentation
- Relaxed
- Open to Discussion
- Informal
- Text/Image Based
- Group
- Individual
- Research
- Project/Assignment
- Interview
- Pitch of Work/Idea
- Presenting a Portfolio
Presentation Variations
- Content
- Length
- Format
- Purpose
- Assignment
- The Brief details
- Key Points
- Referencing
- Powerpoint
- Having a Hard Copy of Presentation
The Audience
- Who is the audience?
- What do they already know?
- What do they need to know?
- Now can you design a presentation to appeal to them?
Using Powerpoint
- Include a title slide
- Not too many words on a slides
- Keeps slides in logical order
- Be careful of colours which clash
- Be careful of videos and animations, make sure they all work
Using Images
- Consider the purpose
- Physical portfolio/Presentation
- Visual impact
- Ensure high quality images are used
- The message you want to convey
Using Technology
- Practice before you present
- Practice changing slides
- Have a plan B incase there is a problem
1) Tell audience what your going to be talking about2) Main content
3) Conclude the presentation
The Presentation
Title Slide
- Introduce yourself/ The group
- Briefly explain the topic
- Give outline of content
- Let the audience know when they can ask questions
- Hook in the audience
- Give background information
- This is 10%-15% of the whole presentation
Main Body
- Use your research
- Include citations
- Organise info
- Explain
- Explain graphics/images
- Sell your work
- Key points
- What makes your work special/unique
- Restate your argument
- Use phrases such as 'in conclusion' and 'to sum up'
- The final message
- This is 10%-15% of the whole presentation
Dealing With Questions
- Invite questions
- Anticipate questions and prepare your answers
- Keep answers relevant
Presenting Tips
- Face the audience
- Keep good eye contact
- Make sure the screen is clear
- Speak slowly and clearly
- Know what you are talking about
- Stand in a good place
- Use prompt cards / notes
- Vary your tone of voice
- Take pauses
Dealing with nerves.
- Practice
- Be confident / self talk
- Take deep breaths
- Have water with you
- Speak slowly
The Elevator Pitch
- Brief speech
- Pitch your ideas
- Gives interest in your work / yourself
- Introduce yourself
- Sell a new idea
- Establish your credibility
- Multipul versions
- No more than 30secs -1 minute talk
- Your own credibility
- Introduce your idea
- Show your self off
- Be prepared
- Capture on video for websites/blogs
- Identify your goal
- Explain what you do/aims
- Practice your pitch
- Engage the audience