Personal Branding:
- Is the process of developing a 'mark' that is created around your personal name or career.- You use this mark t express and communicate your skills, personality and values.
- Personal Branding is a powerful tool, which enables you to:- Analyse your impact in depth.
- Allow you to enhance the impression that you make when meeting
others for the first time.
- In a situation where you have one chance to quickly impress a
potential employer, such as an
interview, presentation or networking event, it
is obviously important to ensure that you create the
best first impression
Your Brand Identity:
Requires you to really have a good understanding of:Values - Your personality; attributes etc
Talents - Your skills and competencies
USP – your unique feature, quality
Unique combination – of experience, knowledge etc
Purpose – what really motivates you
Talents – what have been your proudest moments?What skills/attributes did you use in the above?
If someone had to live your life for 6 months – how would you describe what kind of person would
be needed?
Summary of Archetypes
1.The Care giver: Helps and protects from harm2.The Creator: Compelled to create and innovate
3.The Explorer: Explores and discovers
4.The Hero: Acts courageously to put things right
5.The Innocent: Seeks purity, goodness and happines
6.The Jester: Has a good time but may convey a serious message
7.The Lover: Finds and gives love and sensual pleasure
8.The Magician: Transforms situations
9.The Ordinary Guy/Girl: OK as he or she is. Connects with others
10.The Ruler: Takes control. Creates order out of chaos
11.The Outlaw: Rebels and breaks the rules
12.The Sage: Helps people understand their world